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Checking the Index Rollover

If the Elasticsearch index is getting too big, the most likely reason is that it is not rolled over correctly.


If one of the SEAL indices in the Elasticsearch database is not rolled over correctly, you may recognize this by missing indices ending with 000nnn.

This may occur, in older installations which have been configured by hand, instead of using the load-config configuration script of SEAL Elastic Stack.

Even if only few data are stored in the affected index, we recommend you correct this situation. Otherwise the index lifecycle policy is not able to work properly and delete deprecated data. In this case the index will become too big and require more disk space than desired.

Solution: Reindexing the Data and Selecting a Time Frame

In the easiest case you can do without the data in the affected index. It is not sufficient though, to just delete the index via the Kibana User Interface.

When log messages are stored in the Elasticsearch database, an alias is used for each index, so the name of the current writing index does not need to be known outside the database. However, such an alias can only be used, if an index of the same name exists. Therefore the basic proceeding is as follows:

  1. Stop data entries to this index.

  2. Create a new index ending with 000001.

  3. Copy the existing data to this new index.

    Hint - backup

    You can skip this step, if you can do without these data. For example, you can make a backup before, see Complete Backup under Windows or Complete Backup under Linux.

    Hint - Elasticsearch query

    If you copy the data, you can use an Elasticserch query to selectively copy only specific data.

  4. Delete the old index.

  5. Create an alias.

  6. Reopen the data entries.

You can correct the situation by either

Executig the load-config Configuration Script in the Overwrite Mode

In the overwrite mode, the configuration script automatically tries to repair an index that is not rolled. But, this only works, if the index does not contain so many data. Otherwise the script reaches a timeout and eliminates any traces from the attempt to repair.

  1. Stop all data entries to this index.

    You can do this by one of the following actions:

    1. Stop all Filebeat processes that write into the affected index.

      Usually this inludes 3 Filebeat processes from your PLOSSYS-5-Cluster and maybe one on the management server.

    2. If you use a firewall, deactivate the corresponding rule concerning the access to the Elasticsearch database.

      Usually this is port 9200.

    3. If you have activated the security in your SEAL Elastic Stack installation, you can temporarily change the password fo the user that is used by the Filebeat processes and restore the previous password after the successful rapair.

    4. If none of the above is possible, you have to reconfigure the Filebeat installations so that they write their log data into a completely new index. Then you can repair the affected index and afterwards restore the previous configuration. Finally, you have to copy the data that have been logged into the temporary index in the meantime into the target index by hand. Then you can delete the temporary index. However, these actions are rather complex so that we strongly recommend you do this only in accordance with the SEAL Systems support.

  2. Executing the script

    • under Windows, see Configuration via Script:

      Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; C:\Program Files\SEAL Systems\seal-kibana\configuration\load-config.ps1 -o
    • under Linux, see Configuration via Script:

      /opt/seal/seal-kibana/configuration/ -o

Manual Correction

In the following examples the seal-plossys-5-log index is used, because in most cases this is the affected index.

  1. Stop Filebeat on all PLOSSYS servers and the management server.

    This way current messages cannot get lost and the repair will work better.

  2. In the DevTools Console, create a new index:

    PUT /seal-plossys-5-log-000001

    The result should look like this:

      "acknowledged" : true,
      "shards_acknowledged" : true,
      "index" : "seal-plossys-5-log-000001"
  3. If you whish to preserve specific data, start a search in the Discover App of the Kibana user interface and copy the results.

    You can determine the query that has been used for the search in the Discover App under Inspect -> Request:

    discover, inspect, request

  4. Test the determined query in the DevTools Console for correctness and to get the number of hits.

    Here the time slot from 2023-01-01 to 2023-04-19 has been used:

    GET /seal-plossys-5-log/_search?scroll=1m&
      "query": {
        "bool": {
          "filter": [
              "range": {
                "@timestamp": {
                  "format": "strict_date_optional_time",
                  "gte": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
                  "lte": "2023-04-19T20:00:00.000Z"

    The result should look like this:

      "hits" : {
        "total" : {
          "value" : 360360,
          "relation" : "eq"

    Caution - UTC

    Search queries use UTC, e. g. Zulu time, recognizable by the Z at the end. The browser time may differ.

    These queries are not essential, but they show whether you have transferred the query correctly. The number of hits here should be the same as in the Discover App.

    Caution - Filebeat still stopped

    Make sure that all your Filebeat installations are still stopped. Otherwise new data may be stored in the index you are about to repair.

  5. Additionally, you can test, whether the debug mode has been defined and filter corresponding entries:

    discover, inspect, request, no debug

  6. Copy the data from the specified time slot into the newly created index.

    Because of the amount of data, we have created a task. This task is started and runs in the background until the copying is finished:

    Adjust the starting and finishing date of your time slot.

    POST _reindex?wait_for_completion=false
      "source": {
        "index": "seal-plossys-5-log",
        "query": {
          "bool": {
            "filter": [
                "range": {
                  "@timestamp": {
                    "format": "strict_date_optional_time",
                    "gte": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
                    "lte": "2023-04-19T20:00:00.000Z"
      "dest": {
      "index": "seal-plossys-5-log-000001"

    As a result you will receive a task ID:

      "task" : "iOF33wdST8evcUnNAJEskw:129260"
  7. You can follow the progress of the task

    • in the index management in the Kibana user interface by refreshing the view or

    • in the DevTools Console by entering the task ID in the task API:

      GET /_tasks/iOF33wdST8evcUnNAJEskw:129260

    As long as the task is busy, you will receive replies like the following:

      "completed" : false,
      "task" : {
        "node" : "iOF33wdST8evcUnNAJEskw",
        "id" : 129260,
        "type" : "transport",
        "action" : "indices:data/write/reindex",
        "status" : {
          "total" : 360360,
          "updated" : 88000,
          "created" : 0,
          "deleted" : 0,
          "batches" : 89,
          "version_conflicts" : 0,
          "noops" : 0,
          "retries" : {
            "bulk" : 0,
            "search" : 0
          "throttled_millis" : 0,
          "requests_per_second" : -1.0,
          "throttled_until_millis" : 0
        "description" : "reindex from [seal-plossys-5-log] to [seal-plossys-5-log-000001][_doc]",
        "start_time_in_millis" : 1681915060962,
        "running_time_in_nanos" : 20934043870,
        "cancellable" : true,
        "cancelled" : false,
        "headers" : { }

    As soon as the task is finished, with the next request you will receive a reply starting like this:

      "completed" : true,
      "task" : {
        "node" : "iOF33wdST8evcUnNAJEskw",
        "id" : 129260,
        "type" : "transport",
        "action" : "indices:data/write/reindex",
        "status" : {
          "total" : 360360,
          "updated" : 360360,
          "created" : 0,
          "deleted" : 0,
          "batches" : 361,
          "version_conflicts" : 0,
          "noops" : 0,
          "retries" : {
            "bulk" : 0,
            "search" : 0
          "throttled_millis" : 0,
          "requests_per_second" : -1.0,
          "throttled_until_millis" : 0
        "description" : "reindex from [seal-plossys-5-log] to [seal-plossys-5-log-000001][_doc]",
        "start_time_in_millis" : 1681913749578,
        "running_time_in_nanos" : 105396533245,
        "cancellable" : true,
        "cancelled" : false,
        "headers" : { }
  8. In the Discover App, check the new index, whether the data have been transferred correctly.

  9. Back up the data that are to be deleted, e. g. by making a snapshot.

    You can store the snapshot on the hard disk, if you have enough disk space available, or select one of the possibilities Elasticsearch offers.

  10. Delete the index that has become too big:

    DELETE /seal-plossys-5-log
  11. In the index management or in the API, refresh the indices:

    GET _refresh
  12. Check the existing aliases. You can list the currently configured aliases as follows:

    GET /_cat/aliases

    The result should look like this:

    seal-plossys-5-accounting seal-plossys-5-accounting-000008 ---true
    seal-plossys-5-accounting seal-plossys-5-accounting-000007 ---false
    seal-plossys-5-accounting seal-plossys-5-accounting-000006 ---false
    seal-plossys-5-audit seal-plossys-5-audit-000008 ---true
    seal-plossys-5-audit seal-plossys-5-audit-000007 ---false
    seal-plossys-5-statistics seal-plossys-5-statistics-000007 ---false
    seal-plossys-5-statistics seal-plossys-5-statistics-000008 ---true

    true and false indicate the corresponding write index. This should be the index with the highest number in a series.

    As you can see, there is no seal-plossys-5-log alias. You have to create it manually.

  13. Create the seal-plossys-5-log alias. At the same time this new index ist marked as write index:

    POST _aliases
      "actions": [
          "add": {
            "index": "seal-plossys-5-log-000001",
            "alias": "seal-plossys-5-log",
            "is_write_index": true
  14. Check the list of aliases again:

    GET /_cat/aliases

    Now, the result should look like this:

    seal-plossys-5-accounting seal-plossys-5-accounting-000008 ---true
    seal-plossys-5-accounting seal-plossys-5-accounting-000007 ---false
    seal-plossys-5-accounting seal-plossys-5-accounting-000006 ---false
    seal-plossys-5-audit seal-plossys-5-audit-000008 ---true
    seal-plossys-5-audit seal-plossys-5-audit-000007 ---false
    seal-plossys-5-statistics seal-plossys-5-statistics-000007 ---false
    seal-plossys-5-statistics seal-plossys-5-statistics-000008 ---true
    seal-plossys-5-log seal-plossys-5-log-000001 ---true
  15. Verify, whether the lifecycle mechanism works and perform a rollover:

    PUT /seal-plossys-5-log/_rollover

    Your new index with the copied data will be changed into a read-only index and a new seal-plossys-5-log-000002 write index is created. The read-only index responds to the settings of the lifecycle policy, and by default will be deleted after 7 days.

    The result should look like this:

    ``` { "acknowledged" : true, "shards_acknowledged" : true, "old_index" : "seal-plossys-5-log-000001", "new_index" : "seal-plossys-5-log-000002", "rolled_over" : true, "dry_run" : false, "conditions" : { } }

  16. Check the list of aliases once more:

    GET /_cat/aliases
    seal-plossys-5-accounting seal-plossys-5-accounting-000008 ---true
    seal-plossys-5-accounting seal-plossys-5-accounting-000007 ---false
    seal-plossys-5-accounting seal-plossys-5-accounting-000006 ---false
    seal-plossys-5-audit seal-plossys-5-audit-000008 ---true
    seal-plossys-5-audit seal-plossys-5-audit-000007 ---false
    seal-plossys-5-statistics seal-plossys-5-statistics-000007 ---false
    seal-plossys-5-statistics seal-plossys-5-statistics-000008 ---true
    seal-plossys-5-log seal-plossys-5-log-000001 ---false
    seal-plossys-5-log seal-plossys-5-log-000002 ---true

    Now there are two seal-plossys-5-log indices:

    • seal-plossys-5-log-000001 is a read-only index.
    • seal-plossys-5-log-000002 is the new write index.
  17. Repair further indices, if necessary.

  18. Restart Filebeat:

    • Linux:

      sudo systemctl start seal-filebeat
    • Windows:

      start-service seal-filebeat

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